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Kirkpatrick’s Four-Level Training Evaluation allows organizations to analyze their training in an objective light. Measuring effectiveness and how the training has made an impact on the organization. It is a tool use to improve future training sessions. “Most importantly, organizations change in many ways, and behaviors and results change depending on the paths an organization may take” (Kirkpatrick& Kirkpatrick, 2013 para 9).

The four levels are:

Reaction- Allows an organization to see trainees reacted tit the training. Knowing how the trainees took the training is important to identify if there were any objectives that may need to be added to future training.

Learning- Measures if the training actually increased the knowledge of the trainees.  This is important. Especially the cost of training, if it did not work for the reasons an organization wanted the training to in the first place. This will also help to develop better training so future trainees can benefit.

Behavior-This levels looks at how trainees have applied the training received it. At the level, behavior depends on the employees. “Trainees can be taught new information, but it depends on the employee to apply it” (Kirkpatrick& Kirkpatrick, 2013 para 6). On the other side, employee can go thought training and at times the manger or supervisor can stand in the way of the employee applying training. Some managers feel that the old way is the easier than the new way. I believe that some managers have an hard time understanding the new way and fall back to the old way.

Results- Results are important and most organization leans to the end of the road before evaluating how to get there. Organization must look at all factors when measuring improvements like; retention and productivity. These two factors could occur if there is a change in management, upgraded or a new computer system, instead of not having enough training.

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What is the relationship among Kirkpatrick’s four levels of evaluation?

The four levels of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation are simple.  The evaluation model deals with how successful a training is by looking at several different areas of how a person thinks.  The four levels is reaction, learning, behaviors, and results.  The reaction level questions the trainee and how he or she felt about the training.  The learning level evaluates how much the trainee has improved due to the training.  The behavior level is has the trainee changed a behavior and how much has it changed.  The last area is results, which deals with how much change has occurred to affect the organizational level.  Each level focuses on different parts of the trainee.  Basically, it starts with the trainee and goes on until the focus is on the big picture the organization.

Would you argue for examining all four levels, even if your boss suggested you should look only at the last one (results) and, that if it improved, you would know that training had an impact?

Rajeev, Madan, and Jayarajan (2009) stated, “There is ample evidence to show that evaluation and objective assessment of effectiveness and outcomes of training programmes being implemented by organizations are not given due importance as that of their planning and implementation” (p. 272).  Yes, I would look at all four levels of training results even if my manager told me to use only the last one.  The reason being is the last one will deal with the overall improvement of the group being the focus of the last level is dealing with the organization.  The first three levels deals with the individual.  The first three levels will show which individuals have improved the most.  The importance of this is because most of the trainees could have improved enough to make a difference in the organization but not for the individual improvement.  What if the stronger trainees decide to leave than the trainees who were not successful can bring the overall improvements down again.

Provide at least one example (e.g., tool, device, etc.) that would be used to gather evaluation data at each level.

Level one can use surveys.  The surveys can be done on-line or as a paper survey which the trainees will turn in at the end of training.  Level two can be done by observation or the overall statistics of the employee.  This is done after training and continuously over a few months.  This level can take time to see any improvements.  Level three can use observation and listening to what the employee is saying and doing.  Many times managers are able to see any improvements quickly and sometimes it may take some time.  Level four will be the overall numbers which can be reviewed to see if the organization has seen an increase in production.

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Training Effectiveness

Reflect on and explore the reasons why evaluation is critical to training success. Discuss the reasons evaluation is critical to effectiveness of training. Explain the connection between organizational improvement and training effectiveness.

According to Eason (2017) there are three principle reasons for training evaluation:

Reason 1-it will help you improve training for future participants, gathering feedback and data on what participants thought of the training, how they performed in the assessments that were part of the training and how they were subsequently able to transfer that training into the workplace will enable you to identify ways in which improvements can be made. Conducting effective training evaluation enables us to gather data upon which we can base our decisions for change ensuring that the way we develop training enhances it value.

Reason 2-it will help confirm that you are getting your training right improving the training that we deliver is one thing, but are we 100% sure that we are delivering the right? Evaluating the training that our personnel receive enables us to check that we are effectively equipping then with the right skills and knowledge to carry out their respective roles.

Reason 3-it will help you prove that the training is adding value, providing a strong body of evidence in the form of training evaluation results can help prevent short-term thinking when budget cuts are required significantly reducing training budgets has the potential for negative impacts on the company further downstream.

The only way an organization can improve is to train on the area that is lacking in some form or fashion. Making sure your employees are up to date with new technology will provide the necessary tools and applications needed to do their job.

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There are many significant aspects of training which ought to be carried out in order to ensure that the training is effective. In a sense evaluation is the aspect of the training process which entails looking back at the level of this effectiveness. It is a critical aspect of training as it informs the trainers and the architects of the training how effective the training was. The key to  successful training from the point of view of evaluation is whether or not the objectives that were set for the training have been met (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2012). Of course this has embedded within it the assumption that the training objectives that were set to start with were training objectives which directly aligned with the organizational goals in a way which parallel skills that were necessary and missing from the organization. Besides determining if the training was effective at meeting the objectives, the evaluation is also important in determining how future training should be shaped (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). Having a comprehensive appreciation of the success and failures of past training is indispensable when it comes to developing future training. A failure to include the evaluation aspect of the training means that not only will the trainers not know if their efforts were successful, it means that they will not be able to learn from any success or failures. The basic reality about evaluation is that its significance is directly tied to the future success of the organization. It is like a GPS system which lets the trainers known their current position (how effective the training was) as well as where they should go in order to reach their destination (how future training should be designed).


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