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For the rest of the course, we are going to work on compiling and writing a


For the rest of the course, we are going to work on compiling and writing a research paper in which you research problems and solutions related to a chosen topic of interest that has been approved by the instructor. You will support your research and findings by compiling references from scholars and experts who have written on your topic or on related subjects.

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This paper will be completed and graded in steps (as illustrated below) as you draft each part of the paper, and the final product will culminate in a final draft of your research paper that will account for 15% of your total grade in the class.


  1. Complete 10 pages research paper (at least 2500 words not including title page or reference page) on an appropriate problem-solution topic with 10 or more sources.
  2. The paper will follow standard APA guidelines and will be assessed based on proper structure/organization, knowledge of content/research, relevant support for claims, and academically appropriate language use (will receive a rubric).


Step 1: (due 2/20 – submit at beginning of class for 30 pts)

  • Create a typewritten research proposal for your chosen research topic using the template provided

Step 2: (due 3/9 – submit at beginning of class for 100 pts)

  • Create an APA style annotated bibliography of at least 5 scholarly sources related to your topic/thesis (see guidelines and rubric)

Step 3: (due 3/16 – submit at beginning of class for 30 pts)

  • Create an initial outline of the major parts of the research paper – use handout provided in Moodle

Step 4: (due 3/23 – submit at beginning of class for 50 pts)

  • Using outline and annotated bib, create an initial draft of the Lit Review/Results section that includes major points and paraphrased information from sources

Step 5: (due 3/27 – submit at beginning of class)

  • Create a G-S outline of the Introduction section with moves and thesis at the end

Step 6: (due 4/3 – due at beginning of class for 50 pts)

  • Using outline, create an initial draft of the Introduction section that includes required moves and source support can participate in peer review also

Step 7: (due 4/6 – submit at beginning of class)

  • Create an S-G outline of the Discussion and Conclusion sections that includes all the moves and necessary source support

Step 8: (due 4/13 – due at beginning of class for 70 pts)

  • Using outline, create an initial draft of the Discussion section that includes required moves and paraphrased information from sources

Step 9: (due 4/17)

  • Present Prezi (5 voice-over slides) of research paper – submit to Moodle for 60 pts
  • Complete final revision and editing of research paper: submit to tutor & Grammarly for 50 pts; submit to instructor by 4/17 (optional)

Step 10 (due 4/24 – submit to Moodle and to office for 150 pts)

  • Complete final draft of research paper.





Food labeling meaning, what does food label mean, what are types of food labels. Is it going to change in the future?

Here are 5 sources that you going to  use and you can add as much as you can

The paper must contain abstract, introduction, lit review, discussion and conclusion



Emerson, R. (2012). Read the label!: Discover what’s really in your food. London, United Kingdom: Ebury Digital.

Emerson, R. (2012). Read the label!: Discover what’s really in your food. London, United Kingdom: Ebury Digital.

Etingoff, K. (2014). How to read food product labels. Boston, MA, United States: Mason Crest Publishers.

McCarthy, R. (2005). Food labels: Using nutritional information to create a healthy diet. New York: Rosen Publishing Group.

Taub-Dix, B. (2011). Read it before you eat it: How to decode food labels and make the healthiest choice every time. New York, NY: Plume Books/Penguin Group.

Weirich, P. (Ed.). (2007). Labeling genetically modified food: The philosophical and legal debate. Oxford: Oxford University Press, USA.

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