Ca 200 AD, he was the first of the military emperors of Rome who was not follow the career of a statesman but rose up through the ranks of the legions (2 words. P. 187)
Roman emperor who saw a sign in the sky before battle that said “In this sign you will conquer.” (p.193)
A popular religious group in the 200’s AD founded by a Persian prophet, emphasizing the dualism of good and evil that competed with Christianity for Roman converts. (p.192)
Name for someone undergoing intensive discipline and training in preparation to undergo Baptism and conversion to the Christian faith. (p.184)
This Roman emperor ca 390 AD declared all religions other than the Christian religion illegal throughout the Empire. (p.198)
Liberal non-priestly Jews who were open to newer ideas and who centered their faith not on the Temple and Law of Moses (first 5 books of the Old Testament) but on oral traditions and other Hebrew writings (such as the books of the prophets). (p.182)
This mystery cult that worshiped the death and rebirth of a warrior-god from Persia was popular with Roman soldiers during the time of the Empire. (p.184)
Oh God give me chastity, but not yet.” (p.204)
It means “correct teaching.” (p.195)
A member of the Germanic tribe of the Goths, he sacked Rome in 410AD. (p.201)
Ca 400 AD, this Church Father translated the Bible into Latin (known as the “Vulgate.”) (p.203)
The Council of Nicea (ca 325 AD) declared this Christian group heretics because they denied the divinity of Christ. (p.195)
Following the death and resurrection of Jesus, he led a group of Jewish Christians in Jersusalem that believed adherence to Jewish law and full participation in the Temple rituals were necessary for Christians. (p.184
In the “Gospel According to Matthew” (only here) Jesus designates this disciple as his ongoing representative on Earth. (p.195)
Christianity was declared a legal religion through an Edict issued from this city. (p.193)
The apostle who became most famous for spreading the Christian faith to Gentiles (non-Jewish, mostly Greek-speaking communities throughout the Roman Empire.) (p.184)
Ca 160-180 AD, he was the last of the “Five Good Emperors,” a Stoic philosopher, and the closest Rome ever came to Plato’s ideal of the “philosopher-king.” (p.2 words, p.187)
The new capitol of Rome built in the East at the mouth of the Black Sea (Hellespont) ca 325 AD. (p.198)
His birthday is December 25th. (2 words, p.193)
They were blamed for the smallpox plague in 251 AD that took 5,000 lives per day in Rome. (p.190)
Conservative priestly families that controlled the Temple in Jerusalem. (p.182)
Ca 300 AD, he was the most aggressive persecutors of Christians and he divided the Roman Empire into a “tetrarchy” with four regional emperors. (p.190-1)
From the Greek word meaning “exercise” or “training” it is a spiritual discipline of self-denial of bodily needs (such as fasting, going without sleep, praying for long hours and so forth). (p.192)
The Romans (ca 200 AD) threw this young noble woman to beasts in the arena of Carthage for her impiety (disrespect toward the traditions and authority of her family and ancestors) and the Christians celebrated her as a martyr. (p.179-80)
Ca 250 AD he developed a philosophy called “Neo-Platonism” that was popular with the Roman upper classes. (p.192)
This variety of Jews went to the desert to separate themselves from their sinful brethren in Jerusalem. They practiced a disciplined life of fasting, prayer, simplicity and repentance (asceticism) and awaiting the coming of a messiah like Joshua or Cyrus who approached the Holy City from the desert to the East. (p.182
Christian leader ca 150 AD who believed that the Old Testament should not be the part of Christian Bible. (p.185)
Jewish sect that believed a military-style messiah would lead a violent revolution to free their holy land from the control of the Roman Empire. (p.182)
It comes from the Greek word meaning “to choose for oneself” rather than to follow custom and tradition. (p.195)
It comes from the Latin word referring to uncultured “rustic” people living in the countryside rather than in the sophisticated communities in the cities. The early Christians used it to refer to non-believers who still followed the religion of the traditional gods of Rome. (p.198)
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