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Social Media & the Online World: Problems and Solutions

  Social Media & the Online World: Problems and Solutions


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Based on our class readings, Ted Talks, and your own personal research, define a serious problem related to “social media and the online world,” and propose a solution that could help resolve the problem. The roughly first half of your paper should clearly define the causes of the problem and its negative effects. In other words, you must explain to the readers how this became a problem (the causes) and why it is a problem (its negative effects). You will need to research and read reliable sources to fully understand the causes and effects of whatever specific topic you choose.

The roughly second half of your paper must propose one or more solutions to the problem that you have defined. You should convince your audience that your solution or solutions are the best way to resolve this problem. You will have to research what solutions have been proposed by

An additional element you must include in your paper is a counterargument and rebuttal. To make this part a little easier, you can include your counterargument and rebuttal either in the problem or solution part of your essay, whichever seems more natural and logical. If a problem is controversial (i.e. many people/organizations don’t think it’s a problem) you should consider adding your counterargument/rebuttal to the problem section. If your solution is somewhat controversial, you should consider adding your counterargument/rebuttal to the solution section.

To write this essay effectively, you will need to focus on one specific aspect of social media and the internet that is problematic, such as the following:

  • loss of personal privacy
  • fake news
  • filter bubbles
  • cyberbullying, shaming
  • the end of net neutrality
  • distraction and interruption
  • defamation of character
  • addiction issues (to gaming, pornography, social networking, )
  • identity theft
  • computer hacking
  • an issue not listed above, but please check with me first!

Important note: Make sure you write about one specific issue or related family of issues. For example, suppose you want to write about cases where adolescents have been cyberbullied on Facebook and Twitter. When you discuss the issue of cyberbullying, you could also talk about defamation of character and loss of personal privacy, as they relate to cyberbullying. However, you would not include in this same paper a discussion about how social networking causes us to be distracted and lose time at work because it does not related to cyberbullying. You need to stick to one topic. You cannot write a paper that could be titled “three bad things about the Internet and social media” and write about cyberbullying, hacking, and addiction to porn because there is no real relation between the three.




  1. Your essay must be 1,500 words minimum. Short essays will be


  1. You must quote and paraphrase at least one of the following Ted Talks/readings in your
    • Reading by Sapna Maheshwari, “How Fake News Goes Viral: A Case Study”
    • Ted Talk by Andreas Ekström, “The Moral Bias Behind Your Search Results”
    • Ted Talk by Juan Enriquez, “Your Online Life, Permanent as a Tattoo”
    • Ted Talk by Tristan Harris, “How Better Tech Could Protect Us from Distraction”
    • Ted Talk by Eli Pariser, “Beware the Online Filter Bubble”
    • Ted Talk by Jon Ronson, “When Online Shaming Spirals Out of Control”
    • Reading by Joel Stein, “How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet”


  1. In addition, you must use a minimum of THREE, and maximum of FIVE additional sources
    • You should research these sources on your own. The source must be considered “reliable,” either from a respected newspaper, online magazine, scholarly journal, or professional organization that has expertise in your topic. NO BOOKS! (I’ll explain why in )
    • You may also use a personal example or observation, but the bulk of your essay should be material you glean from the above readings and your research, which you will paraphrase and


That’s a total of four minimum and six maximum sources, okay! Now, let’s move on.


  1. You are required to visit The Writing Center one time to receive in-person feedback on your Essay #4.

You may do this at any point in the writing process: brainstorming, developing a thesis, organizing your essay, reviewing your rough draft or final draft. You should decide at what point you want help, and make your appointment at an appropriate time. I will reward 5 points extra credit for each additional trip to The Writing Center, for a maximum of four visits.


  1. Other important criteria
    • A minimum of 1,500 words. (I know I already said this, but it bears repeating
    • An introduction that sets up your argument
    • A debatable thesis at the end of your introduction paragraph
    • A description of the problem that explains its causes and effects
    • A proposed solution or solutions
    • A counterargument and rebuttal (either for the problem or solution section)
    • Effectively organized paragraphs with strong topic sentences and transitions
    • A conclusion that does not merely restate your thesis but gives the reader with further “food for ”
    • Proper APA page formatting
    • Proper APA in-text citations for all paraphrases and direct quotations from the
    • All cited sources must be paraphrased accurately, proving to me that you have read the
    • Quotations should be presented in context, and not just “dropped in.” Remember, “drop quotes” are bad; quotation sandwiches are good. I’ll explain this further in
    • A References page in correct APA format


  1. Good, effective writing
    • A sense of audience. Remember, your audience has not read the articles or listened to the Ted Talks. Your audience might not know what terms like “filter bubbles” and “net neutrality” are. Remember to write your paper as if you are writing to inform fellow students who are not in your WRIT class!
    • Clear, concise writing with no awkward sentences, confusing sentences, or incorrect vocabulary
    • Proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
    • Logical overall organization (outlining your essay in advance may help)
    • Each individual paragraph is cohesive and organized; most paragraphs have topic sentences



0Rubric and Grading Sheet  Essay #4                                                                  
Disclaimer: This grading sheet is a guide that I use for two purposes: 1) to help me grade your essay fairly, and 2) to help you learn how to improve your essay. Please understand that this is not an exact system; your grade is based on my overall, final judgment. Superior Best possible



Good Minor flaws



Passes but needs major improvements



No pass









Introduction & Thesis



The introduction engages readers’ interest and introduces the topic clearly. It provides any background information the readers might need to help them understand the rest of the essay. The essay has a main point (a thesis) that appears at the end of the introduction paragraph.          
Support/Content 20% The paper’s body supports the thesis with clear, well-developed details. It does not repeat ideas and is well-focused. The content is written for an audience of intelligent students who are not familiar with the assignment or readings. The content convinces these readers by making a logical argument backed by facts and expert opinion. Note, points will be deleted if neither problem nor solution section has a counterargument/rebuttal.          
Problem section: 10%          
Solution section: 10%          
Research 10% You must use at least one of the Ted Talks or readings listed on the assignment sheet. You must also use three to five additional sources you research on your own. The source must be considered “reliable,” either from a respected newspaper, online magazine, scholarly journal, or professional organization that has expertise in your topic. NO BOOKS! (I’ll explain why in class.)          
Wise use of references 10% Includes both paraphrases and quotes from one or more sources, Information from sources is presented accurately.

Uses signal phrases to introduce quotes and paraphrases. Quotes presented in context.  No “drop quotes.”

Structure 10% The paper is organized and the paragraphs are presented in a logical order so the reader can easily understand the writer’s meaning. Each paragraph is unified, with a clear topic sentence that is developed with specific, supporting details. Transitions create a clear flow between sentences and paragraphs.          
Overall clarity and style 20% The reader can understand all sentences clearly. No sentences are awkward or confusing. The writing is concise and not too wordy or repetitious. Vocabulary is appropriate for an academic essay— neither too informal, nor so formal that it becomes pretentious.          
Grammar & punctuation 10% Essay contains no run-ons, comma splices, fragments, pronoun problems, capitalization, and other grammatical errors. There are no misspelled words. Essay has been properly proofread.          
APA formatting and citations


Essay uses template on Moodle. Citations are correct and use proper APA style for both in-text citations and References list at the end. Please note that this category is about citing properly. Failure to cite most sources will result in a zero!          
  If box is checked, your paper has been downgraded because it does not meet the minimum word requirements.
  If box is checked, I am requiring you to take a revised copy of this paper to the Writing Center for an in-person appointment. 1. Revise your paper according to my comments.2. Take this new, revised paper to the Writing Center, along with your revision. The tutor can help you make further revisions and polish your paper further. 3. Revise your paper again based on your meeting with the tutor, and turn in this polished paper to me.
  If box is checked, I am not accepting your essay because you have not cited your sources or sections are plagiarized.


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